12. Cast and Trailers

12. Cast and Trailers

Hello, Welcome back. Glad that you’re here.

We're building a Movie App with the best coding practices and tools. In the previous tutorial, we worked on the movie details screen top part where we had the poster, below that we had the title and description and overview of the movie.

In this tutorial, we will work on the cast list and videos related to the movie.

Let's start coding.

Domain Layer

Whenever we have a new widget to create, we should first think of the data that it will display. As in the case of Cast List, we will show the cast and crew who worked on that movie. As you already know from our previous videos, the domain layer consists of entities, abstract repository, and usecases.

Entity (Request & Response)

From Data Source, we will get the cast and crew list by hitting an API bypassing movieId in the request. But we need only cast in our UI, so we will create only CastEntity and this entity must not have all the fields. An entity should only have the fields that are required to show in UI or that are part of some further API calls. For request, we have created MovieParams already in the previous tutorial.

So, we need to only create a response entity.

In the domain/entities folder, create a new file cast_entity.dart:

class CastEntity extends Equatable {
  final String creditId;
  final String name;
  final String profilePath;
  final String character;

    @required this.creditId,
    @required this.name,
    @required this.profilePath,
    @required this.character,

  List<Object> get props => [creditId, name];
  1. In TMDb API each cast and crew have a credit ID
  2. Declare the name of the cast
  3. Cast will have a profile image which we will show.
  4. We will also have a character that the cast has played in that movie.
  5. Declare all fields as required and add the props method as well.


When we are ready with the request and response entity, we can create an abstract method in the abstract repository.

In the domain/repository folder, add a new method:

Future<Either<AppError, List<CastEntity>>> getCastCrew(int id);
  1. Here, we create a method that takes in an id and returns us with either an app error or a success object of List<CastEntity>.


Now, let's make a use case that invokes this method. If you have seen the previous tutorial, we are using usecases only in the Blocs.

Create a new use case in the domain/usecases folder:

class GetCast extends UseCase<List<CastEntity>, MovieParams> {
  final MovieRepository movieRepository;


  Future<Either<AppError, List<CastEntity>>> call(MovieParams params) async {
    return await movieRepository.getCastCrew(params.id);
  1. Since we have already created some usecases before, so copy any one of them and change the name to GetCast. The important thing here is that you define the response type and request type as List<CastEntity> and MovieParams respectively.
  2. The call method works on these types, so change them as well with correct types.
  3. Here, you'll make the call to getCastCrew instead of getMovieDetail.

We're done with the domain layer that easy and fast. Let's make the API call now via Data Layer.

Data Layer

If you open the data folder, you'll see errors in the repository folder. That's because we haven't implemented the method that we declared in the abstract repository class. Before resolving the error, let's first create the model class.


A model class is the response model, that holds the parsed JSON from the API. If you remember, we use https://javiercbk.github.io/json_to_dart/ for creating the model class from JSON.

Let's copy the JSON for cast and crew. Head on to https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/ and under MOVIES select Get credits . On the right side, you can see the details. Put the API_KEY and any movie id. Hit the SEND REQUEST button and copy the response.

Paste this response in JSON2DART tool. Copy the generated code in a new file cast_crew_result_data_model.dart:

The file is too long, please take it from Repo.

We have to make some modifications because sometimes based on JSON, the JSON2DART tool is unable to create proper subclasses. Make all the fields as final and make the fromJSON method as factory method now. You can refer to the DataSources tutorial for similar steps.

While you're doing these code changes, you will also extend the model with the entity and use the super constructor to fill in values in the entity instance.

Repository Implementation

Now, you can add the implementation of the repository method in movie_repository_impl.dart.

//1 & 3
Future<Either<AppError, List<CastModel>>> getCastCrew(int id) async {
  try {
    final castCrew = await remoteDataSource.getCastCrew(id);
    return Right(castCrew);
  } on SocketException {
    return Left(AppError(AppErrorType.network));
  } on Exception {
    return Left(AppError(AppErrorType.api));
  1. Add the async keyword in the method.
  2. You'll create the getCastCrew() from the data source, which we will create in a moment.
  3. Next, as we have done for other methods to maintain a level of abstraction, use the model instead of an entity.


Now, we are at the final part of making the API call.

In the movie_remote_data_source.dart, add the abstract method and the implementation:

Future<List<CastModel>> getCastCrew(int id);
Future<List<CastModel>> getCastCrew(int id) async {
  final response = await _client.get('movie/$id/credits');
  final cast = CastCrewResultModel.fromJson(response).cast;
  return movie;
  1. Add declaration in the abstract class MovieRemoteDataSource.
  2. Implement the method in MovieRemoteDataSourceImpl and add async.
  3. To fetch the movie details, you have to append movie/$id/credits to the BASE_URL.
  4. Use fromJson() of CastCrewResultModel to create the model from JSON and get the cast only from it. Finally, return the CastCrewResultModel.

Business Logic

In this case, we can create a Bloc even before we have our UI. Because, Bloc only depends on making API calls, and we have a use case already defined. Let's create a bloc.

Cast Bloc

Create a bloc with name cast. Add a new event in the cast_event.dart:

class LoadCastEvent extends CastEvent {
  final int movieId;

  LoadCastEvent({@required this.movieId});

  List<Object> get props => [movieId];
  1. Declare LoadCastEvent class extending the CastEvent. Declare a final field movieId and override the props() method.

Now, in cast_state.dart add some states

class CastError extends CastState {}

class CastLoaded extends CastState {
  final List<CastEntity> casts;

  CastLoaded({@required this.casts});

  List<Object> get props => [casts];
  1. CastError for handling errors when returned from API or network.
  2. CastLoaded will be emitted when the movie detail API has responded with a success List<CastEntity> object. As you will store the list of cast, declare the final field and add it in props as well.

Now, handle the event and dispatch the state in the cast_bloc.dart:

final GetCast getCast;

  @required this.getCast,
}) : super(CastInitial());

Stream<CastState> mapEventToState(
  CastEvent event,
) async* {
  if (event is LoadCastEvent) {
    Either<AppError, List<CastEntity>> eitherResponse =
        await getCast(MovieParams(event.movieId));

    yield eitherResponse.fold(
      (l) => CastError(),
      (r) => CastLoaded(casts: r),
  1. As you need to make an API call using the use case, declare the final field of GetCast.
  2. Allow it to be passed it in the constructor also. We will declare all dependencies things in get_it.dart in a while.
  3. Handle the event in mapEventToState. When you have an event as a load event, make the API call and store the response in the Either type object. Use the fold operator to yield CastError or CastError state with a list of cast.

Dependency Injection

In MovieDetailScreen, we will first fetch movie details and then load the cast list and videos list. So to that, in the MovieDetailBloc we will have to fire LoadCastEvent for cast bloc. To get the instance of CastBloc in MovieDetailBloc, we will declare CasBloc as a dependency for MovieDetailBloc.

final CastBloc castBloc;

  @required this.getMovieDetail,
  @required this.castBloc,
}) : super(MovieDetailInitial());
  1. Declare the final field for CastBloc and make it the required field.

We have declared a new use case and a bloc, let's put them in get_it.dart and update the existing definition of MovieDetailBloc:

  () => MovieDetailBloc(
    getMovieDetail: getItInstance(),
    castBloc: getItInstance(),

  () => CastBloc(
    getCast: getItInstance(),

getItInstance.registerLazySingleton<GetCast>(() => GetCast(getItInstance()));
  1. Add castBloc dependency in MovieDetailBloc.
  2. And below all blocs declare a dependency for CastBloc.
  3. Just like others, below all use cases, declare one more GetCast.


Cast Title

In the Movie Detail Screen, below the overview, we will show the Cast heading and horizontal list of cast. Let's first add the cast heading.

In MovieDetailScreen, below overview, add a Text widget wrapped with Padding:

  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: Sizes.dimen_16.w),
  //2 && //3
  child: Text(
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6,
  1. Add padding from left and right.
  2. Use the Text widget to show the cast text. We haven't declared the text for both the language yet. Apply the headline6.
  3. Open TranslationConstants and add cast constant. Also, open en.json and es.json and add the respective cast texts.

Run the app and see the 'cast' as the title. We had declared the cast as 'Cast' in en.json so use t(context) to use the translation.


Now we see the translated string.

There is very little spacing between the overview and the cast title. Let's add some padding. If we give top and bottom padding to the overview only we can have spacing for the cast title as well.

  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
    horizontal: Sizes.dimen_16.w,
    vertical: Sizes.dimen_8.h,
  child: Text(
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText2,
  1. Add vertical padding for the overview.

When you reload the app, there is sufficient space between overview and title.

Cast List

Let's add the cast in the horizontal list view. First, we will introduce CastBloc on the screen, then use MultiBlocProvider as we have 2 blocs now.

CastBloc _castBloc;

_castBloc = _movieDetailBloc.castBloc;

  1. Take the instance of _castBloc from _movieDetailBloc, because we want to keep the instance of _castBloc linked to _movieDetailBloc. As we will call cast list when movie detail is fetched. If the movie detail itself is failed, we won't go for the remaining API calls.
  2. Close the bloc in the dispose method.

Now the screen will be increased in the length, so add a SingleChildScrollView for the Column in MovieDetailScreen:

return SingleChildScrollView(
  child: Column(

Cast Widget

Now, below the cast heading, add a CastWidget, that we will create now under journeys/movie_detail folder:

class CastWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BlocBuilder<CastBloc, CastState>(
      builder: (context, state) {
        if (state is CastLoaded) {
          return Container();
        } else {
          return const SizedBox.shrink();
  1. This will be a stateless widget.
  2. Use BlocBuilder and handle the CastLoaded and rest all the states.

Before we move with the cast widget, let's dispatch the event to give us the cast list.

In MovieDetailBloc dispatch the LoadCastEvent after the movie details are fetched and yielded.

  1. This will fetch the cast list for the movie and yield CastLoaded that we are listening to in CastWidget.

Add ListView in CastWidget:

  height: Sizes.dimen_100.h,
  child: ListView.builder(
    shrinkWrap: true,
    scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal,
    itemCount: state.casts.length,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) {
      final castEntity = state.casts[index];
      return Container();
  1. When we are working on a vertical layout and using a widget whose height is not bounded, we should use a fixed height for this. Luckily, we have used ScreenUtil that can scale according to the screen height. I don't recommend giving height to every widget, this is a rare case.
  2. Give shrinkWrap and give horizontal direction for the listview.
  3. Provide the item count to the list view and give the item builder. Fetch the cast for a specific index.

Add the image now in the card widget. Before that, update the import statement in MovieDetailScreen:

  height: Sizes.dimen_100.h,
  width: Sizes.dimen_160.w,
  child: Card(
    elevation: 1,
    margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
      horizontal: Sizes.dimen_8.w,
      vertical: Sizes.dimen_4.h,
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(
    child: Column(
      crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
      children: <Widget>[
          child: ClipRRect(
            borderRadius: BorderRadius.vertical(
              top: Radius.circular(8.w),
            child: CachedNetworkImage(
              height: Sizes.dimen_100.h,
              width: Sizes.dimen_160.w,
              fit: BoxFit.fitWidth,
  1. Use Container with width and height.
  2. We need some elevation so use Card here.
  3. Add some rounded corners to the card.
  4. We will have an image on top followed by name of the cast and character.
  5. Use CachedNetworkImage with the image URL of posterPath.
  6. Give as much space available to the image by using Expanded.
  7. When we will introduce the bottom 2 widgets, the image will move up and then we will need to give top rounded corners to the image.

Now, add the name and character as well to the cast widget below the Expanded widget:

  padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(
    horizontal: Sizes.dimen_8.w,
  child: Text(
    overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
    maxLines: 1,
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.vulcanBodyText2,
  padding: EdgeInsets.only(
    left: Sizes.dimen_8.w,
    right: Sizes.dimen_8.w,
    bottom: Sizes.dimen_2.h,
  child: Text(
    overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
    maxLines: 1,
    style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.caption,
TextStyle get vulcanBodyText2 => bodyText2.copyWith(
  color: AppColor.vulcan,
  fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
  1. Add the name with vulcanBodyText2 and maxLines as 1. Give fade overflow, so that when the text is too long, it is faded from the right. Add the vulcanBodyText2 in theme_text.dart file as well.
  2. Give some padding from left and right.
  3. Add the character now and use ellipsis this time for the character. Give it caption style.


After the cast, we will work on Movie Trailers. We will show a button Watch Trailers if there are any trailers for that movie. On tap of that button, we will navigate to the next screen showing the first video that can be watched and all videos in a list. When you tap on another video, it automatically starts. If there are not trailers for that movie, we won't show the Watch Trailers button.

Similar to what we did for the cast, we will do for trailers. These are the basic steps -

  1. Domain Layer - Request & Response Model, Method in abstract repository and usecase
  2. Data Layer - Model, Repository Implementation, and Datasource
  3. Presentation Layer - Add a new Bloc
  4. Dependency Injection

Not repeating the steps in this tutorial, you can always refer to the GitHub repository. One thing that you must know about the response of the video API is that the TMDb uses youtube videos so we will get key as the youtube video id and we will use that.

After you are done with the above 4 steps, we will work on the button visibility.

Get Videos Button

We will add a button below the cast list if there is a list of videos in the response. For that, we will use a bloc in the movie detail screen. First, add the video bloc in the movie detail bloc.

Open movie_detail_bloc.dart:

final VideosBloc videosBloc;

@required this.videosBloc

  1. First, add the VideosBloc field.
  2. Then, make it a required parameter.
  3. At last, dispatch the LoadVideosEvent when you have yielded the MovieDetailLoaded.

Now, declare the bloc in MovieDetailScreen:

VideosBloc _videosBloc;

_videosBloc = _movieDetailBloc.videosBloc;


BlocProvider.value(value: _videosBloc)
  1. Declare the bloc below CastBloc.
  2. Initialize the _videosBloc in initState.
  3. In the dispose method, close the _videosBloc.
  4. Add the bloc in the multiprovider with the other blocs.

Videos Screen

Now that we have a button for videos, on tap of this button we will navigate to the videos screen. We will use the youtube plugin for playing youtube videos.

youtube_player_flutter: ^7.0.0+6

Create a new folder watch_video where we will put the screen file and arguments file in this folder. The arguments file will act as a companion for the screen. The screen depends on these arguments.

class WatchVideoArguments {
  final List<VideoEntity> videos;

class WatchVideoScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  final WatchVideoArguments watchVideoArguments;

  const WatchVideoScreen({
    Key key,
    @required this.watchVideoArguments,
  }) : super(key: key);

  _WatchVideoScreenState createState() => _WatchVideoScreenState();

class _WatchVideoScreenState extends State<WatchVideoScreen> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container();
  1. Create a Stateful widget this time as we will have a controller for youtube videos. We will need initState and dispose methods.
  2. Declare the final field of arguments that will be passed to the screen.
  3. Make this as required because without the arguments this screen is impossible to build.

Let's add the controller as well to the screen:

List<VideoEntity> _videos;
YoutubePlayerController _controller;

  void initState() {
    _videos = widget.watchVideoArguments.videos;
    _controller = YoutubePlayerController(
      initialVideoId: _videos[0].key,
      flags: YoutubePlayerFlags(
        autoPlay: true,
        mute: true,

  void dispose() {
  1. Store the videos in the local variable.
  2. Define YoutubePlayerController with the initial video as the first video in the list. Set autoPlay and mute options as true for obvious reasons.
  3. Dispose of the _controller in the dispose method.

Now, open the watch video screen when we tap on the Watch Trailers video:

onPressed: () {
      builder: (context) => WatchVideoScreen(
        watchVideoArguments: WatchVideoArguments(_videos),
  1. Pass in the WatchVideoArguments object in the WatchVideoScreen.

You'll see a white screen when you tap on the Watch Trailers button, so now we will use Scaffold instead of Container in the build() of WatchVideoScreen.

  appBar: AppBar(
    title: Text(
  body: YoutubePlayerBuilder(
    player: YoutubePlayer(
      controller: _controller,
      aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
      showVideoProgressIndicator: true,
      progressIndicatorColor: Colors.amber,
      progressColors: ProgressBarColors(
        playedColor: Colors.amber,
        handleColor: Colors.amberAccent,
    builder: (context, player) {
      return Column(
        children: [
  1. Use Sacffold and give the AppBar property to it with the same text as that of the button.
  2. In the body you can use YoutubePlayerBuilder because this gives us the capability to rotate the screen when you want to see the video in landscape mode.
  3. In the player you can provide properties like _controller, aspectRatio, colors of progress bars, and many more that you can explore as per the requirement.
  4. The builder will take in the player itself and will play the video assigned. We are putting the player in Column to have a list of all videos as a list below the playing video.

Now, stop and re-run the app and you'll see that the first video is auto-playing. Play with it.

Next, we will populate all the videos:

  child: SingleChildScrollView(
    child: Column(
      children: [
        for (int i = 0; i < _videos.length; i++)
            height: 60.h,
                EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: Sizes.dimen_8.h),
            child: Row(
              children: <Widget>[
                  onTap: () {
                  child: CachedNetworkImage(
                    width: Sizes.dimen_200.w,
                    imageUrl: YoutubePlayer.getThumbnail(
                      videoId: _videos[i].key,
                      quality: ThumbnailQuality.high,
                  child: Padding(
                        EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 8.w),
                    child: Text(
  1. Below the player, use the Expanded widget to put all the all videos. Then as a child of Expanded use SingleChildScrollView because the list of videos can be big.
  2. Use the for loop to iterate through all the videos. Use 0 as the initial index because when you are playing the 2nd video and want to play the 1st video again, you need that video in the list.
  3. Use GestureDetector so that we can play the video by using _controller.
  4. We will get the thumbnail from the YoutubePlayer plugin itself, so use CachedNetworkImage to show the image.
  5. At last, show the title of the video in the remaining space.

Run the app and switch between various videos.

By this, we have come to an end for this tutorial. In the next tutorial, we will work on the search feature. I hope you learned something or others in this tutorial. See you in the next tutorial. Thanks for reading.

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